Abrasive Lapping Disc

Abrasive Lapping Disc

Abrasive Lapping Film Disc is a high-quality product designed for precisionlapping and polishingapplications. Made from a durable polyester film, this disc is coated with a layer of abrasiveparticles that provide a consistent and even finish on a variety of materials.
The abrasiveparticles are precisely graded and evenly distributed, ensuring that the disc provides a uniform finish every time. The disc is available in a range of grit sizes, from coarse to ultra-fine, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.The abrasive Lapping Film Disc is easy to use and can be used with a variety of lapping and polishing machines. The disc is designed to be long-lasting, providing consistent performance over a long period of time.This product is ideal for use in the electronics industry, where precisionlapping and polishingare essential for the production of high-quality components. It is also suitable for use in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries, where precision is critical.Overall, the Abrasive Lapping Film Disc is a reliable and high-quality product that provides a consistent and even finish on a range of materials. It is easy to use and long-lasting, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications.

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